System of Status Ascension

Promotion Guide:

Once inducted into ARFF as an operative a rank shall be appointed. If you wish to achieve an ascension of rank, you must recruit, maintain clan activity, and serve higher ranking officials.


First Army- Comprised of the more proficient warriors. Led by the the Archon of the First Army, assisted by three Assistant Archons. Comprised of advanced fighters.

Requirements for Archonship: Active and interested in what leadership of any army entails. Higher KD ratio than those under their command. Appointed by the Factioneer’s, approved by the council of command. These same principals apply for every Archon of every army, with minor exceptions such as the importance and prestige of said army)


Advanced Fighter of the First Army:

A.F.  Requirements- 6,000+ kills and superb activity

KD ratio of 1.41-1.5 and superb activity (active in the chat and recruiting farly often, even if unsuccessful. In addition, partaking in faction events )

Advaced Fighter of the Second Army:

A.F. Requirements- kdr of 1.2-1.4 3,000+ kills with moderate activity (semi-active in chat and recruits on occasion, partakes on occasion)

Advanced Fighter of the Third Army:

A.F. Requirements- kdr of .5-1, somewhat active (rarely partaking in faction events, doesn’t recruit, rarely observed on the chat)

(Note: This army is more so a reserve for those of less activity and prowess)

All other ranks, such as leadership, are to be appointed by the Factioeers of A.R.F.F.

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