Rules and Regulations

(Note: All infractions committed upon the laws are punishable by demotion and exile)

Supreme Law

  1. All FActioneerscan commit an infraction upon laws (with the exception of the 4th Superior Law) if the outcome of such action will be the betterment of ARFF.
  2. Only Archons of the Armies, Factioneer’s, the President, and the Vice President can promote members.

Superior Law

  • 1st Law- All ARFF members are allowed to propose a change to the faction.

    (Note: Said change will be reviewed and decided upon by the Factioneer’s and the leaders of ARFF

    2nd Law-No ARFF members are allowed to make contact with clans considered
     tensioned or their members.


  • 3rd Law- The act of kicking or banning a fellow ARFF, on the chat or in the game, without suitable reason,
    such as an infraction upon the laws, is prohibited. This applies to Owners and Moderators.
  •  4th Law- Deleting a page of
    the website, without a Factioneer's consent, is
    prohibited, and any person caught doing this shall be
    banned as a site
    editor forever.


  • 5th law-  Multiclanning is not allowed. If anyone has been caught of joining or participating in an activity in other clans. The member will automatically be kicked.


  • 6th law- Do not log IPs, participate in nukings, give out hack threats, and etc. Anyone that has been proved to disobey these rules and the rule of PB2 regarding clans will automatically be kicked out of the clan. We do not want to involve the clan in any problems.


  • 7th Law- Always be active in PB2, website and chat. Anyone who is found inactive will automatically be kicked out of the clan without trial.


  • 8th Law- Ensure that you always have your tag in-game. This is for identification purposes.


  • 9th Law- You cannot rejoin or reapply to ARFF twice. This is for preventing clan-hopping.
  • 10th LAw- An ARFF member can only recruit on an authorized ARFF map, neglecting  to do so is strictly prohibited.
  • 11th law- Starting wars with other clans without authorization from the leaders of ARFF is strictly forbidden. This Law applies to ALL members.


  •  14th law- You are not allowed to change your rank without being officially promoted by a higher ranking official.


  •  15th law- Ranks are to NOT be given out to someone that does not  meet the requirements .



16th law- Making someone NOT related to ARFF in any way a Moderator, Owner or Main Owner in the Chat is strictly forbidden. This Law only affects Owners and Main Owners.


Inferior Law


  • 1st Law- ARFF's may only kill their
    fellow members in friendly duels, approved games or upon
    agreement during deathmatches.
  •  2nd Law- The act of insulting
    of speaking offensively towards a fellow ARFF is
    prohibited at all times.

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